KAI Commuter Guarantees Security For Use Of C-Access Application

JAKARTA - The Multi Trip Card (KMT) balance recharging feature in the C-Access application as a payment for Jabodetabek Commuter Line tickets was hacked by someone in the Depok area.

As a result of the hacking carried out by the perpetrators, it caused a loss of Rp. 12.4 million.

Responding to this, PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia or KAI Commuter guarantees balance security on Multi Trip Cards (KMT) and data on Commuter Line users that have been registered with the C-Access application.

KAI Commuter Corporate Screenray Anne Purba said that currently KAI Commuter has implemented ISO 27001:2013 as a standardization of Information Security Management Systems on KMT management information systems and KMT top-up online transactions in the C-Access Application.

Furthermore, Anne said that this security standardization is periodically audited by independent auditors to ensure security in its application.

"KAI Commuter guarantees balance security at KMT and Commuter Line user data that have been registered with the C-Access application," he said in an official statement, Wednesday, March 6.

Karena itu, Anne mengatakan masyarakat juga tidak perlu khawatir untuk melanjutkan penggunaan aplikasi ini dalam menggunakan Commuter Line.

"Because KAI Commuter has good information security management," he said.

Anne said KAI Commuter is committed to continuing to improve cybersecurity in the application of information technology that makes it easier for the public to use the Commuter Line and will thoroughly investigate this crime.

Regarding the hack, Anne said that KAI's actions were a violation of the law.

Although this action is very appropriate to be criticized, KAI Commuter also ensures that it has taken various steps needed.

"Therefore, KAI Commuter together with the authorities and related parties continue to coordinate to thoroughly investigate the incident. The hack was carried out in the KMT balance recharging feature in the C-Access Application as payment for Jabodetabek Commuter Line tickets," he said.

For your information, the Depok Metro Police arrested Ahmad Addril Hidayah, 22 years old for allegedly hacking the payment system or top up balance of KMT KAI Commuter. This act caused a loss of Rp. 12.4 million.

This case began with reporting someone who was given power by PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia who saw that the balance did not match what was filled.