Prevent Brawls In The Month Of Ramadan, Police Intensify Patrols Every Weekend

JAKARTA - Police are aggressively patrolling locations prone to brawls in Jagakarsa, South Jakarta. The activity was carried out to ensure security and public order (kamtibmas) which are currently increasingly out of control ahead of Ramadan. "Tonight every weekend we routinely patrol locations prone to brawls," said Jagakarsa Police Chief AKP Iwan Gunawan in Jakarta, Wednesday. Iwan confirmed the existence of a brawl that resulted in a death in the jurisdiction of the Jagakarsa Police which occurred on Thursday, February 29, at around 03.55 WIB. Iwan said brawls usually occur at the end of the week, so the police did not expect such events. "Usually it is safe," said Iwan, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, March 6. For that, he said, his party would further intensify patrols in order to prevent brawls, especially in locations that are often used as brawls. "We must be more vigilant and carry out patrols in pockets prone to brawls or that are used as arenas. brawls," he said. Iwan added on Thursday (29/2) received a report of the death toll from a brawl in Lenteng Agung, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta, where the victim suffered lacerations due to sharp weapons.

After the investigation, said Iwan, it was found that the brawl between the two groups had been agreed in advance, then the victim RS (23) was invited by his friend to come to the location of the brawl. "When he was arrested he did not fight back, after being interrogated the suspect admitted his actions. "The suspect admitted that he had stabbed the victim using a sharp weapon towards his back once," he said. As a result, the suspect's actions were subject to Article 170 paragraph 2 to 3 of the Criminal Code, because together in public he committed violence against people who resulted in the death of people.