In Order To Be Right On Target, The Government Limits Purchase Of Subsidized 3 Kg Gas Cylinders With Conditions For ID Card NIK
JAKARTA - Sales of 3 kilograms of subsidized LPG gas will be limited by the government. Through the Central Jakarta Manpower, Transmigration and Energy Sub-dept. (Sudin Nakertransgi), data collection and matching of 3 kilograms of LPG gas will be carried out so that they are right on target. Later people who want to buy gas must show their ID cards.
"The plan is to show ID cards so that 3 kilos of LPG is right on target, of course, this plan is gradual, because 3 kilos of LPG is only consumed for underprivileged people," said Head of the Central Jakarta Sub-dept. (Kasudin), Sudrajat, Wednesday, March 6.
According to Sudrajat, so far there have been many findings in the field of capable people who buy 3 kilograms of subsidized LPG gas.
"Kelurahan dan kecamatan agar bisa melakukan pembinaan terhadap agent atau base yang ada di wilayah untuk tidak menjual gas kepada orang yang mampu," katanya.
In the future, said Sudrajat, this evaluation will continue to be carried out and of course the availability of supplies is also guaranteed, let alone entering the month of Ramadan.
"It is hoped that the kelurahan and sub-districts can socialize again to agents, and it is hoped that other SKPDs will internally notify their employees not to buy 3 kilograms of LPG," he said.
The availability of subsidized LPG gas stocks and supplies did not escape the supervision of officers from the DKI Jakarta Transmigration and Energy Manpower Office (Disnakertransgi).
In addition to supervising foodstuffs, officers also supervised 3 kilograms of subsidized LPG gas. One of the markets being inspected is Jalan Sumur Batu Raya, RT 12 RW 02, Sumur Batu Village, Kemayoran District, Central Jakarta.
Officers check whether the price of LPG gas is in accordance with the highest retail price (HET) or there is an increase in prices.
Head of the Energy Conservation and Utilization Section of the DKI Jakarta Nakertransgi Service, Togas Braini, said that this surveillance activity was welcoming the month of Ramadan. From the results of the inspection, it was found that the price on the market was still in accordance with the HET set through Pergub Number 4 of 2015 concerning the HET gas at the base level of Rp. 16 thousand.
Regarding prices at the retail level, it is acknowledged that there is a price variation between Rp. 21-23 thousand.
"From the retailers, they did take the margin and it was in accordance with the service. But we make sure the stock is safe and the price in the retailers is still appropriate," he told reporters, Tuesday, March 5.