What Is Valas Conversion: Here's The Explanation

YOGYAKARTA - Do you know what foreign conversion is? Does this sound foreign enough to your ears? If so, let's study together here.

Talking about foreign exchange (Valas) certainly has an important role in the world of economy and transactions abroad. Foreign exchange also has an important role in international trade. Valas is recognized as the currency used and accepted as an international payment tool. Basically, foreign exchange is one of the instruments in the national or international stock market.

Varlas transactions are carried out to exchange one currency for another, so that the demand results in buying and selling opportunities for profit and investment. Then what is foreign currency and what is the transaction system?

Understanding Foreign Valuta

Foreign value is a currency that is recognized and used for international transactions. Valas can be used as legal payment equipment for international trade. But not all foreign currencies can be used as foreign currency. Vulnerable currency must be included in the hard currency group (currency that is of strong value to others).

Usually hard currency comes from developed countries that have a fairly large economic impact in the world or on other countries. Examples of currencies that include currency, namely Dollar (United States), Euro, and Yen (Japan).

Not only that, foreign exchange is also part of the country's foreign exchange or state assets located abroad. The form of foreign exchange can be in the form of goods, services or currencies. So the more often a country's currency is used for foreign exchange transactions, the more profitable it is for the country.

Foreign value is also known in the investment world, namely the foreign exchange market. The foreign exchange market brings together buyers and sellers of foreign currencies, to carry out offers and requests. This foreign exchange buying and selling activity is carried out on foreign exchanges organized by banks or at money changers.

Converting foreign currency is an instruction from customers to perform a transaction in the form of foreign currency with funds from a foreign exchange account.

Valas Conversion Can Be In BRImo

Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) presents various features in the BRImo application. Including the conversion feature of foreign exchange which is easy to try using the mobile banking application from BRI.

Berikut ini langkah-langkah konversion valas menggunakan fitur dalam aplikasi BRImo:

BRImo provides 10 popular currency options that are often needed for various purposes, such as:

USD - United States

AUD - Australia

SGD - Singapore

CNY - China

EUR - Europe

AED - United Arab Emirates

HKD - Hong Kong


JPY - Japan

SAR - Saudi Arabia

Don't worry, you have to exchange large amounts of money. At BRImo, you can convert foreign currency starting from Rp. 200,000, only. Now foreign exchange transactions don't have to be complicated and expensive.

Forgot to exchange money before leaving for overseas? Don't worry, you can rely on BRImo. Do a foreign exchange conversion transaction anytime and wherever you are. No need to panic and don't bother anymore!

Talking about foreign currency seems to be a new digital currency made by the European Union, what's the full details, read: EU Europe Makes Euro Digital.

So after knowing what the foreign exchange conversion is, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!