PSI's Voice Soars, Political Observer Ujang Komarudin Talks About Cheating While Quoting PPP Data

Political observer Ujang Komarudin suspects that the surge in Indonesian Solidarity (PSI) votes in the results of the General Election Commission's (KPU) real count is not reasonable.

"Indications, allegations of vote inflation fraud are suspected to occur, yes, therefore this is getting more difficult, do not let this process be allowed so that our election is unfair, dishonest, we want to be honest, healthy and clean," said Ujang when contacted, Monday, March 4.

According to him, it is natural that the alleged fraud has emerged and has become a polemic in the community, especially if there is evidence.

He said that one of the evidences of fraud was revealed by the chairman of the PPP DPP Achmad Baidowi, or familiarly called Awiek.

"There is evidence submitted by Awiek, yes, at the 2 polling stations there, in Madura, he said turning to PSI was Awiek's confession, then in Banten there were also allegations of hoarding PSI votes," explained Awiek.

From last Thursday, February 29 to Saturday, March 2, 2024, the number of PSI votes continued to skyrocket. Based on the results of the KPU's real count, PSI votes increased from 2,171,907 or 2.86% on Thursday, February 29 at 10.00 WIB, to 2,402,268 or 3.13% on Saturday, March 2 at 15.00 WIB.

Meanwhile, PPP votes fell from the previous 3,080,665 or 4.01 percent to 2,403,255 votes or 3.13 votes.

On the other hand, political observer Ikrar Nusa Bhakti criticized the surge in PSI votes to intersect with legal smuggling, so he also highlighted the dynamics in the Constitutional Court (MK).

The dynamics in the Constitutional Court include the discourse on changing the Regional Head Law, making new laws and joining former Secretary General of the United Development Party (PPP) Arsul Sani as constitutional judges.

"It is not impossible for the Constitutional Court to make a new law, which at that time was not approved by Mr. Mahfud. The minimum age requirement for the Constitutional Court judges is to be revised. I suspect this is to expel people like Saldi Irsa who at that time joined the Constitutional Court at that time were not 45 years old., "said Ikrar through an official statement received, Monday, March 4.

Legal smuggling, continued Ikrar, as happened when Gibran stepped forward as vice president, is exactly the same as an effort to expel judges who have a high personality.

To prove this allegation, he suspects that the schedule for the Pilkada and the discourse on appointing regional heads through the president are benchmarks.

"We'll see later, the regional elections will be moved to September, not November. If that happens, it's not impossible, Pak Jokowi has an interest there. Again, there are family members who participate in the regional elections. If PSI manages to enter Senayan, Kaesang is not impossible to run as a regional leader," explained Ikrar.