Kominfo Holds Digital Literacy Program In Sharia Finance Sector

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information together with Lampu.id and the Bandung Beginner Stock Investor Community held a Joint Joint Digital Literacy on Islamic finance on Santu, March 2.

Titled Sharia Digital Financial Literacy: Sharia Investment Opportunities and Capital Market Navigation in Dynamical Periods, this discussion aims to understand the opportunities for sharia investment in the capital market and the impact of public policy on the overall movement of the capital market.

"Kominfo is optimistic that the synergy between various parties will be able to strengthen and deepen the Islamic finance industry in Indonesia," said Director General of Aptika, Ministry of Communications and Informatics Samuel A. Pangerapan in his remarks, quoted on Sunday, March 3.

Kominfo views that the advancement of Indonesia's digital infrastructure plays an important role in developing Islamic financial markets through various electronic platforms that are already known to the wider community.

By continuing to promote synergies between various parties, Kominfo believes that Indonesia can be transformed into an influential Islamic financial center at the global level.

Investment in sharia stocks can help support economic sectors that have a positive impact on community social and economic development, such as education, health, infrastructure, and agriculture. " said the Head of the Indonesian Stock Exchange Sharia Capital Market Division, Irwan Abdalloh.

Furthermore, Irwan added, by using Islamic financial products, including sharia stocks, the community can play a role in accelerating sustainable economic development.

"Investment in sustainable and environmentally friendly projects can help reduce negative impacts on the environment and improve the quality of life for future generations," he concluded.