Best YouTube Video Size From Various Resolutions To Duration Recommendations

YOGYAKARTA The content creators are advised to know what the best YouTube video size is to upload. The reason is, the size of the video affects the performance of the video on platform algorithms to the effect of monetization.

One of the reasons why content creators should pay attention to the size of the video according to the provisions is because of YouTube rules. As is known, the platform can be accessed with laptops, cellphones, tablets, or other gadgets.

YouTube will provide full support for the size of the video that can be accepted by all devices. This means that videos must be able to follow the specifications of the gadget screen in general.

Please note that the video size that is widely applied on YouTube is a video landscape even though the platform accommodates video portraits, but not all viewers are comfortable with the position.

The following is a YouTube video summary that is adjusted to the video resolution. Adjust the two elements before uploading them on YouTube.

If the uploaded video does not follow the specified size, the video broadcast will usually not fit when played in the player. Likewise, the thumbnail size or cover video image that appears before the video is played.

In addition, it is also necessary to pay attention to the aspect of the ratio of videos to be uploaded on the YouTube platform, namely 16:9 or 4:3. If the uploaded video has an aspect ratio of 1:20, the video that appears when playing on YouTube will make it difficult for viewers so that YouTube has the potential to reject the video.

In addition to paying attention to the size and ratio, it is also necessary to pay attention to the video format that can be accepted by the platform, namely as follows.

If the video format owned is not supported by YouTube such as.MKV and.M4V, users must convert videos to one of the formats received. For example, the MKV format to MP4.

Also pay attention to the duration of the video to be uploaded on YouTube. The platform has a minimum duration and maximum for uploaded videos. The minimum duration of the video on Youtube is 1 second, while the maximum duration of the uploaded video is 720 minutes or 12 hours.

For accounts that have been monetized, it is recommended to upload a video with a duration of at least 8 minutes. This duration will have an impact on many or at least ads that enter your content. If your account has not been monetized, see how to activate the ad on YoTube for monetization.

That's the best YouTube video size to follow. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.