PLTGU Owned By PLN IP Only Absorbs 372 BBUTD Gas, Only 22 Percent

PT PLN Indonesia Power (IP) is known to have a Gas and Steam Power Plant (PLTGU) with a capacity of 7.3 gigawatts (GW).

Despite having a large capacity, the Head of the Technological Development and Asset Management Unit of PT PLN Indonesia Power (PLN IP) Tarwaji Warsokusumo said with a capacity of 7.3 GW, PLN IP needed at least 1,695 British thermal units per day (BBTUD).

"We have a gas plant with a capacity of 7.3 GW. This requires a gas supply of 1,695 BBTUD, this is the capacity that we can absorb to revive a maximum capacity of 7.3 GW," said Tarwaji, quoted on Thursday, February 29.

Tarwaji continued, the generator was only able to absorb 22 percent of the gas supply or around 372 BBTUD.

"It turns out that currently only 372 BBTUD gas available is directly absorbed in 2023. This means that there is only 22 percent of the total PLTGU for the last gas supply," continued Tarwaji.

Tarwaji explained that the lack of gas absorption was due to his party adjusting the existing gas supply to electricity demand or demand within a year.

For this reason, he said, his party is still making adjustments and compromises with electricity demand in the field. Moreover, continued Tarwaji, the need for electricity for each region varies.

"We will predict electricity growth in various regions so that the gas supply is on time, right on volume and will also implement an efficiency of both supply chain and operational efficiency," concluded Tarwaji.