KPU Hopes That DKPP's Decision On The Case Of DPT Leaks In The 2024 Election Is Not An Ethical Violation

JAKARTA - Members of the KPU Commissioners as defendants in the case of alleged leakage of fixed voter list data (DPT) for the 2024 election, requested that the assembly of the Election Organizers Honorary Council (DKPP) not decide the case as a violation of the code of ethics. Commissioner of the KPU Betty Epsilon said that the KPU had made various efforts to protect and prevent potential illegal access to data on the data contained on the Voter Data Information System (Sidalih) page. "The defendants are of the view that the complainant's arguments in this case are baseless arguments," said Betty in the DKPP Session Room, Jakarta, Wednesday, February 28, were confiscated by Antara. He explained that the KPU had prevented the leakage of the data in accordance with the laws and regulations in a professional and accountable manner. In addition, according to him, the investigation process of the case is still being processed at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police. So that the existence of illegal access to the Sidalih application, according to him, cannot and necessarily be declared as a failure to protect personal data. He also said that his party had followed up on the existence of illegal access according to the procedure. That way, his party also asked the DKPP session to reject all the arguments submitted by the complainants and recover the good names of the defendants, namely the KPU Commissioners. Meanwhile, Chairman of the DKPP Session Council Heddy Lugito said the assembly would conduct an in-depthview on related parties at the next trial which would be scheduled later on. "Please be really scheduled at the next trial," he said.

Adapun Ketua dan Anggota KPU RI yakni Hasyim Asy’ari, Mochammad Afifuddin, Betty Epsilon Idroos, Parsadaan Harahap, Yulianto Sudrajat, Idham Holik, dan August Mellaz, diadukan ke DKPP terkait dugaan pelanggaran Kode Etik Penyelenggara Pemilu (KEPP) karena adanya dugaan kebocoran data Daftar Pemilih Tetap (DPT) Pemilu Tahun 2024.Pengaduan yang diadukan oleh Rico Nurfiansyah Ali selaku Ketua Pemantau Pemilu dari Jaringan Edukasi Pemilu Untuk Rakyat di Jawa Timur itu terdaftar dengan nomor perkara 4-PKE-DKPP/I/2024.