Indonesia Wins Nine Medals At The 2024 Badminton World Championships

JAKARTA The Indonesian Badminton Parabulu Team managed to bring home a total of nine medals from the 2024 Badminton Parabule World Championships. In the championship that took place in Pattaya, Thailand, Indonesia won three gold medals, five silver medals, and one bronze medal. Three gold medals came from the men's doubles, women's doubles, and mixed doubles. The men's doubles gold medal was pocketed by Dwiyoko/Fredy Setiawan who played in the men's doubles number SL3-SL4 men's. The pair managed to occupy the highest podium after defeating the host pair, badminton Bunsun/Siripong Teamarrom. The next gold medal was won by the women's doubles pair Leani Ratri Oktila/Khalimatus Sadiyah who played in the SL3-SU5 number. This pair stopped Manasi Girishchandra Joshi/Thulasimathi Murugesan from India. Leani also contributed another gold medal when playing in the mixed doubles with Hikmat Ramdani. They stopped their compatriot, Fredy Setiawan/Khalimatus Sadiyah, in the mixed doubles number SL3-SU5. Meanwhile, five silver medals were presented by Fredy/Sadiyah, Leani in the women's singles sector SL4, Qonitah Ikhtiar Syakurah in the women's singles sector of SL3, Dheva Anrimusthi in the men's singles SU5 sector, and Fredy Setiawan in the men's SL4 men's singles number. The only bronze medal was brought home by Dheva Anrimusthi/Hafizh Brisyah Prawiranegara in the SU5 men's doubles number.