Hengki Dalang Pungli KPK Detention Center Has Not Been Deactivated, DKI Setwan Is Still Waiting For KPK Letter

JAKARTA - Plt. Secretary of the DKI Jakarta DPRD Augustinus admitted that he had not deactivated Hengki from ASN's employment status at the DKI Jakarta DPRD Secretariat (Setwan).

Hengki is said to be the mastermind behind illegal levies (extortion) while still working within the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) and serving at the KPK Detention Center in 2018.

Augustinus explained that the DKI Setwan was still waiting for a notification letter from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) regarding the case that dragged Hengki before imposing disciplinary sanctions on employees in the form of deactivation.

"Until now there has been no deactivation. Until now, we have not received a notification letter for the violation of the law that Brother Hengki committed. Only hearing from the news that the person concerned carried out extortion at the KPK detention center before moving to Setwan," Augustinus said in a short message, Monday, February 26.

Augustinus said Hengki was a transfer employee from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights who had been placed in the KPK Detention Center. He started working since November 2022.

"And the person concerned has so far worked well, has never been reprimanded or disciplined sanctions," he said.

Moreover, when he received the transfer of employees from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights to the Secretariat of the DKI DPRD, Augustinus emphasized that Hengki was still declared clean from legal records.

"For the transfer process between agencies, there are several requirements. One of them is not subject to disciplinary sanctions," said Augustinus.

Previously, Tumpak Hatorangan, Chairman of the KPK Supervisory Board, said that Hengki had served as the coordinator of security and order. He is said to be the party that appoints people in detention centers or called lurah' to collect illegal levies.