March-April Transition Season, BMKG: Beware Of Extreme Weather

JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) appealed to the public to be aware of the potential for extreme weather during the transition season (season transition) which is expected to occur from March to April 2024.

"During the transition period, people need to increase their vigilance and early anticipation of potential extreme weather such as heavy rain in a short duration that can be accompanied by lightning, and strong winds, tornadoes, and hail phenomena," said Head of BMKG Dwikorita Karnawati Monday, February 26.

Based on the analysis of atmospheric dynamics carried out by BMKG, it was found that the peak of the rainy season had passed in various parts of Indonesia, especially the southern part of Indonesia.

This indicates that the region will begin to enter the transition season from March to April.

One of the characteristics of the transitional season is the pattern of rain that usually occurs in the afternoon until late at night, preceded by warm and hot air in the morning until noon.

This condition occurs because the solar radiation received in the morning to noon is quite large and triggers the convection process (lifting the air mass) from the earth's surface to the atmosphere, triggering the formation of clouds.

The characteristics of rain in this period, said Dwikorita, tend to be uneven with moderate to heavy intensity in a short duration. If atmospheric conditions become unstable/unstable, the potential for convective cloud formation, such as cumulonimbus (CB) clouds, will increase.

"This CB cloud is closely related to the potential for lightning, strong winds, tornadoes, and even hail. Its shape is like a cauliflower, its color is grayish with clear edges," he said.

According to Dwikorita, what should be watched out for is heavy rainfall which is one of the triggers for hydrometeorological disasters, such as flash floods and landslides. "Therefore, people who live in hilly areas prone to landslides, we also urge to be vigilant and careful," he said.