Called Makar, Jimly Asks For Issues Of Rights Not Widening To Illegal Issues Of Impeachment

JAKARTA - Former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) Jimly Asshiddiqie asked DPR members to understand the limits of authority in the use of the right of inquiry.

Jimly also reminded DPR members not to widen the issue of the use of the right to inquiry of alleged election fraud to impeach the president or cancel the election results.

"DPR members as election participants must understand the limits of their authority related to the implementation of the right to inquiry by taking seriously into account the intent and purpose and substance of the issues to be decided, not widening to wild issues, such as the impeachment of the President, cancellation of election results, and others that can be considered to fulfill the elements as a treason act regulated in the Criminal Code," Jimly said in his statement, Sunday, February 26.

He also reminded the DPR to issue election rights considering the schedule for the inauguration of elected members of the DPR, DPD, DPRD, as well as the elected president and vice president.

Jimly emphasized that the implementation of the right of inquiry should not make the schedule for the inauguration of the executive or legislature backwards.

"To ensure that there is no vacuum of power according to the 1945 Constitution," he said.


Although the right of inquiry was rolled out in the DPR, Jimly said that the election organizers should not be subject to pressure from members of the DPR or pairs of presidential/vice presidential candidates as election participants. Thus, the results of the DPT's right to inquiry should not force the KPU's decision regarding the results of the 2024 election.

"Whatever the results of the implementation of the DPR's right to inquiry should not be forced to have its effectiveness on the KPU's decision regarding the technical implementation of the election stages and the results except on the orders of Bawaslu or PTTUN, and the Constitutional Court with final and binding decisions," he concluded.