Chronology Of Sexual Harassment By The Chancellor Of Pancasila University

The Chancellor of Pancasila University with the initials ETH was reported to the Polda Metro Jaya and Bareskrim Polri regarding cases of alleged sexual harassment.

The victim's attorney, Amanda Manthovani, said that there were two victims of sexual harassment by the rector of Pancasila University, namely RZ, who at that time served as Head of Public Relations and Ventura, Pancasila University and DF, who were honorary employees. RZ reported to Polda Metro Jaya, while DF went to Bareskrim.

Amanda explained the chronology of the alleged sexual harassment of RZ. According to the victim, at that time he received a report from the secretary of the chancellor that he had to go to the chancellor.

"Well, at 13.00 WIB he faced the rector, he knocked on him. When he opened the door the rector was sitting in his rector's job seat. Across from the rector's chair or desk, many of the chairs were a bit far away from his position," said Amanda when contacted by reporters, Sunday, February 25.

At that time the victim looked for a place in a rather long chair and took a rather far sitting position. At that time, the chancellor gave orders regarding work issues.

"He wrote, he brought a book. Suddenly the rector suddenly sat one seat with him (the victim), his position approached," he said.

Then not long after, when the victim was sitting while recording suddenly the victim's cheek was kissed by the chancellor. At that time the victim was immediately shocked and scared.

"Well, he immediately said, 'I immediately stood up, ma'am, I was shocked and I really wanted him, wanted me to go berserk, wanted to hit him, but I was still conscious and I was immediately scared'. He immediately rushed out," said Amanda.

Not only that, when the victim wanted to hurry out and when the rector came out in good and gentle language, he asked the victim for help to see whether the rector's eyes were red or not.

Then the victim said the rector's eye was not red. However, the chancellor asked to shed eye medicine before leaving the room.

"He took the drops. He headed for his bag, his rector's bag was taken, 'drop me first, then come out' that's the point. So the rector's position sat because he had been kissed earlier, he didn't dare to come near," he added.

So that at that time, the chancellor was in a sitting position and the victim was standing next to the right of the chancellor with a rather long distance, his body bending over with eye drugs.

"However, suddenly his right hand prof (the director) squeezed his breasts. That's how it is. Like that, according to the victim's statement, that's the story," said Amanda.

Previously, the rector of Pancasila University with the initials ETH was reported by his employee RZ (42) on suspicion of sexual harassment. This report has been registered with the number LP/B/193/I/2024/SPKT/POLDA METRO JAYA, dated January 12, 2024.

ETH was reported on the basis of Article 6 of Law Number 12 of 2022 concerning the Crime of Sexual Violence (TPKS).

Meanwhile, at Bareskrim Polri the report was registered with the number LP/B/36/I/2024/SPKT/Bareskrim Polri dated January 29, 2024.