KemenPPPA Highlights Binus Serpong High School Attitude Regarding Student Gangs: Should Know And Not Hear

TANGERANG - The Indonesian Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (KemenPPPA) asked the Binus International Serpong High School, South Tangerang to be more sensitive to its students. Especially when the incident caused gangs that eventually led to the bullying.

Acting Deputy for Special Protection for Children of the Ministry of PPPA, Rini Handayani when confirmed, Rini Handayani said the teacher should know more about what happened around her. This has also been regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture (Permendikbu) No. 46 of 2023.

"This has to go to school, you have to know. You can't go to school, you don't know how the conditions and situations are in the school environment. To find out immediately, you don't just hear," said Acting Deputy for Child Protection at the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection when confirmed, Rini Handayani, Sunday, February 25.

Rini assessed that the attitude of the school should understand what he did when students made gangs so that they were identical to violence. The reason is, if left unchecked, there will be bullying actions that occur repeatedly every year.

"After hearing (the school must know) what is being done," he said.

For information, the alleged bullying took place at Binus International High School, BSD Serpong, South Tangerang City.

This action was also shared on one of the Twitter accounts @BosPurwa. The narrative explains that the victim himself is a candidate for the gang member.

Those who want to join the gang must obey their senior orders such as buying food and being asked to do deviant behavior.

It did not stop there, often physical violence was a requirement to join the gang. At that time, it was stated that the victim was tied to a pole until he was beaten using a wooden block.

Instead of helping, several students who were also present at the location actually recorded the action and laughed at it. Some of the perpetrators involved are said to have received a suspension sentence until they were expelled from school.

"Gw received information, there was bullying at BSD Binus Intl High School, a child was beaten by dozens of seniors until they entered the hospital, they were celebrities, and they were horrified to see cigarettes being burned," wrote the account.