Surya Paloh Hopes To Meet Megawati Soon: Hopefully Soon
JAKARTA - The General Chairperson (Ketum) of the NasDem Party, Surya Paloh, wants to meet the chairman of the PDI-P, Megawati Soekarnoputri in the near future. Surya hopes Megawati can take her time.
This was revealed by Surya Paloh after holding a meeting with the head of the political party Coalition for Amendments and presidential and vice presidential candidates number 1 Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar.
"I think hopefully it won't take too long. Hopefully. Perhaps whether Mbak Mega has probably had the right time, thought, conditions, it's up to Mbak Mega," said Surya at Wisma Nusantara, Friday, February 23.
Surya said that the meeting between himself and Megawati as party leaders in different coalitions in the 2024 presidential election was needed in responding to the political situation after the current election vote count.
"Communication between me and Mbak Mega is a communication that is very much needed by, say, most people who want how we can sit together to see the future of this nation," explained Surya.
For information, in the results of the vote count calculation of the General Election Commission (KPU) as of Thursday, February 22 at 23.00 p.m., presidential and vice-presidential candidates number 2 Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka outperformed the vote acquisition by 58.89 percent. They were promoted by the Gerindra, Golkar, PAN, and Democrats.
Meanwhile, pair number 1 Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar promoted by NasDem, PKB, and PKS received 24.06 percent of the votes.
Then, the presidential and vice presidential candidates number 3 Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD promoted by PDIP and PPP received 17.05 percent of the votes. This vote acquisition figure is only 75 percent of the total election results.
On the other hand, there are currently allegations of election fraud that have been carried out in a structured, systematic, and massive manner. Both the Ganjar-Mahfud and Anies-Muhaimin camps also threw discourse on rolling out the right of inquiry in the DPR to investigate the alleged fraud.