Last 2 Months Of DHF In Bogor, 750 People Infected And 4 Residents Died

BOGOR - At least 750 residents in Bogor City have been infected with dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) in the last two months. Of these, four people died.

For this incident, Bogor Mayor Bima Arya Sugiarto appealed to residents to increase their vigilance. He also asked all residents to promote the eradication of mosquito nests.

"I have ordered every kelurahan to eradicate mosquito larvae," said Bima Arya.

Meanwhile, the sanitarian officer of the Tegalgundil Health Center, Luthfi Yoga Pratama, revealed that the residents' request to do fogging in the Tegalgundil area was quite high.

"There are many requests, we are doing it here (Tegalgundil) because there are many cases, there are 15 cases this February," said Luthfi.

The fogging activity has now been carried out in a number of areas in Bogor City, one of which is in RT 04/18, Tegalgundil Village on Friday morning.

One resident named Nina revealed that the level of awareness of residents to maintain environmental cleanliness is actually good. Every week there are always activities of burying garbage, draining water tubs, and cleaning the environment.

"This incident is only this year, before there was never a dengue. Every week we also clean the environment," said Nina.