KPK: Corruption Damaged Markets And Prices To Unhealthy Business Competition

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the KPK Johanis Tanak reminded that corruption has many impacts in people's lives. Among them, making prices and markets unstable as a result affects business competition.

This was conveyed by Johanis when speaking in front of the Level II National Leadership Training (PKN) of the Ministry of Home Affairs in the Ministry of Institutions and Governments in 2024.

"Corruption is damaging the market and prices. Business competition is not healthy. Corruption is also able to undermine the law, for example, by accepting bribes, our law is not true," Johanis said in a written statement quoted on Friday, February 23.

Johanis also said corruption could pose another threat to society. "Because it can reduce the quality of life or sustainable development," he said.

Johanis had satirized that Indonesia should not remain a developing country because corruption is still rampant. Thus, eradicating it is the responsibility of all parties.

Moreover, Indonesia's Corruption Perception Index (IPK) in 2023 is stagnant at a score of 34 and the 2023 Anti-Corruption Behavior Index (IPAK) shows a decline of 0.01 points. In this country, we have never been called developed countries, we are still developing until maybe in 100 years we are independent. Why? This is because there is still a lot of corruption," he said.

"So the participation of all levels of society is highly expected, including the role of the ladies and gentlemen here," concluded Johanis.