Inaugurated, The Regent Of Gowa Adnan Purichta Talks About Cimory Cooperation In Dairy Cattle Investment

GOWA - Adnan Purichta Ichsan and Abd Rauf Malaganni (Adnan-Kio) were appointed as regents and deputy regents of Gowa, South Sulawesi.

Adnan-Kio was inaugurated by the Governor of South Sulawesi Province, Nurdin Abdullah along with other elected regional heads.

After being inaugurated, Adnan emphasized that he would immediately work with Kr Kio. The first thing, especially in the first 100 working days, is completing the Gowa District Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMD).

The RPJMD is important, said Adnan, because it will be an elaboration of its vision and mission and will serve as a reference guide for the preparation of work programs for the next period.

"The RPJMD is in the framework of development so that there is a reference. The SKPD ranks must also have a reference on what to know what to do in the first year. This RPJMD is the most important because that is our direction for the next five years," said Adnan from a written statement from Gowa Regency Government Public Relations, Friday. , 26 February.

In addition, Adnan also revealed that in the near future he will sign a cooperation agreement with PT Cisarua Mountain Dairy (Cimory). Cimory will invest in Gowa Regency to develop dairy cows.

"Cimory, which will invest in Gowa Regency, will present a cafe and restaurant, a milk industry and a 5 hectare high milk management company, Tinggimoncong," he said.

But what is no less important, said Adnan, is the handling of COVID-19. The Gowa Regency Government will continue to handle COVID-19, one of which is to make vaccinations a success.