Bank Indonesia Ensures To Stay Independent And Synergize With Elected President

JAKARTA - Bank Indonesia (BI) ensures that it will remain independent in the midst of the Indonesian democratic party even though several survey institutions have announced temporary results based on fast vote count in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres).

BI Governor Perry Warjiyo expressed his gratitude for the 2024 presidential election which took place safely and peacefully.

"We are grateful that the election process went smoothly," Perry said at a press conference at the BI Building, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, February 21.

Perry said that his party will continue to synergize with the elected government to maintain Rupiah's stability through various monetary policies and will remain independent in the midst of the Indonesian democratic party and only carry out its mandate according to the law to maintain Indonesia's macroeconomic stability.

"BI will remain independent, BI is independent of our mandated government clearly in accordance with the law on maintaining stability, stability of the rupiah, stability of the financial system through monetary policy and payment systems to support sustainable consumers," he said.

Perry ensured that his party will continue to synergize with the government, especially with members of the Financial System Stability Committee (KSSK) consisting of the Ministry of Finance, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) to produce various policies that can maintain the stability of the Rupiah exchange rate.

"Even though we are independent, we will continue to synergize with the government. Our commitment will continue to synergize with the government and therefore of course we will coordinate with the government," said Perry.