NTB BPR Customer Fund Corruption Defendant Sued 5.5 Years In Prison

The public prosecutor asked the panel of judges to sentence them to 5 years and 6 months in prison for the accused of corruption in the funds of the Regional Bank of West Nusa Tenggara People's Credit Company (PD BPR NTB) Sape Branch, A. Rasyid.

"Asking the panel of judges to sentence defendant A. Rasyid to 5.5 years in prison," said Catur Hidayat Putra reading the material on the charges of defendant A. Rasyid before the Panel of Judges at the Mataram District Court., Wednesday, February 21.

The prosecutor in the indictment also requested that the panel of judges impose a fine of Rp. 200 million, subsidiary to 6 months in prison.

In addition to the main sentence, the prosecutor asked the panel of judges to charge the defendant to pay compensation for state financial losses worth Rp499 million, subsidiary 2 years and 9 months in prison.

The prosecutor filed such a lawsuit by submitting a number of considerations, one of which was that the defendant was revealed to have served a criminal sentence.

The prosecutor also stated that the defendant's actions as an employee of PD BPR NTB Sape Branch in the position of customer deposit recipients have been proven to have embezzled customer deposits, both in the form of savings, deposits, and credit.

From the facts of the trial, the prosecutor also stated that the defendant had admitted to embezzling customer funds with a man with the initials IS who acted as staff for disbursement of funds and credit at PD BPR NTB Sape Branch.

The defendant and IS carried out the modus operandi by taking customer deposits without recording in the bookkeeping document.

To cover this mode, the defendant and IS submitted a proof of original deposit from PD BPR NTB to customers. The actions revealed in the facts of this trial took place from 2014 to 2017.

In addition to outlining the defendant's confession in the facts of the trial, the prosecutor also considered efforts to recover losses since the findings emerged from the PD BPR NTB Sape Branch with a total value of Rp57 million.

However, the recovery was not strengthened by legal documents, but only through witness testimony at trial.

By outlining this, the prosecutor stated that the defendant's actions had been proven to have violated the public prosecutor's primary indictment.

This primary indictment relates to Article 2 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 jo. Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.