The Case Of A Tiger Entering The House Bites The Foot Of A Sleepy Boy, Riau BBKSDA Installs A Trap Cage

RIAU - The Riau Province's Wild Rescue Unit of Conservation and Natural Resources Center (BBKSDA) has installed cages and camera traps following up on reports of a child being attacked by a Sumatran tiger in Mungkal Hamlet, Stungung Village, Sungai Apit District, Siak Regency."The WRU team installed cameras and trap cages and conducted outreach to the public to provide a sense of security and calm," said Head of BBKSDA Riau, Gennman Hasibuan, in Pekanbaru, Wednesday.The negative interaction between humans and Sumatran tigers took place in a residential hut of workers bordering community settlements at the PT Trio Mas Palm Oil Plantation Cultivation Rights location, Tuesday. Tigers entered the house of a resident named Iwan.The Sumatran tiger tried to pull a boy's leg about 2 years old. At that time he was sleeping in the room with his mother.Luckily the child managed to survive because his mother woke up and immediately screamed for help. However, the child suffered a wound on his left leg, allegedly due to a bite or scratch."At the time of the incident, the kitchen door of the house was opened because the victim's father was briefly out to his family's house which was about 100 meters from his house," he said.After the incident, the victim was immediately taken to the first aid room of PT Trio Mas's Metas Gardens, to get first aid. All employees together with residents of Mungkal Hamlet were also on guard at the scene."Because after failing to take the victim, a few minutes later the Sumatran tiger returned to the house, but the community managed to send it away," said the Head of BBKSDA Riau.
After receiving the incident report, the Riau KSDA Center coordinated with the company and local government. The Riau KSDA WRU team from the nearest Regional Section slid to the scene together with the Siak Regional Disaster Management Agency Team to carry out mitigation."Access to the TKP only through rivers and seas with a distance from Siak City for approximately 3-4 hours," he said.