Health Office Records 750 DHF Cases In Bogor Since Early 2024, 4 Died

The Bogor City Health Office (Dinkes) has recorded 750 cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) since early 2024 in its area. With four patients died.

Head of the Bogor City Health Office Sri Nowo Retno said the 750 dengue cases were found during the period from January to February 2024.

"In January 2024 there were 389 cases and in February 2024 there were 361 cases of dengue fever," said Retno in his statement, Wednesday, February 21, which was confiscated by Antara.

In February 2024, he continued, there were five urban villages with a significant increase in dengue cases, namely Tanah Sareal Village with 13 cases, Sukapeace with 12 cases, Kedung Badak, Halang and Baranangsiang with 11 cases each.

"The most daily dengue cases reported on February 16, 2024, namely 46 cases," he said.

Retno explained that the comparison of the number of dengue cases in 2021 was 526 cases with 7 deaths, in 2022 1,531 cases with 9 deaths, and in 2023, there were 1,474 cases with 9 deaths.

"The highest number of patients is in 2022, and the highest death rate is in 2022 and 2023. The number of dengue cases in 2023 is lower than in 2022," he said.

For efforts to control dengue fever, continued Retno, the Health Office issued a Circular of Preparedness for the Increase in dengue cases during the rainy season on January 20, 2024.

He invited the participation of the community in efforts to control the Aedes Aegypti mosquito vector according to the 1 Jumantik House 1 Movement (G1R1J), by carrying out mosquito eradication activities independently.

"We also held virtual meetings with sub-districts, sub-districts and health centers in formulating a strategy for Overcoming the Increase in DHF Cases in Bogor City," said Retno.