KPU Receives PDI-P Letter On Digital Sirekap Forensic Audit
The General Election Commission (KPU) received a PDI-P letter regarding the digital forensic audit of the use of the Recapitulation Information System or Sirekap tool in holding the 2024 General Election.
"Last night the KPU received the letter in pdf format which was conveyed via WhatsApp messenger sent by the PDI-P DPP contact to the KPU," said KPU member Idham Holik as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, February 21.
According to him, the letter from the party bearing the white-nosed bull will be discussed in the leadership plenary meeting forum.
"All letters submitted by political parties participating in the election will be discussed in the leadership plenary meeting forum," he explained.
Previously, the PDI-P Central Executive Board encouraged the General Election Commission to conduct a digital forensic audit of the use of the Recapitulation Information System or Sirekap in holding the 2024 General Election.
PDI-P in a statement of rejection signed by the Chairperson of the PDI-P DPP Bambang Wuryanto and PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto.
"The PDI-P also urges a digital forensic audit of the use of Sirekap tools in organizing the 2024 General Election," the statement read.
The pressure was related to the results of the vote count on Sirekap's tools that occurred nationally.
PDI Perjuangan asked the KPU to disclose the results of the forensic audit to the public or the public as a form of KPU accountability in holding the 2024 General Election.
As for Sunday (18/2), the Indonesian KPU ordered all provincial and district/city KPUs to postpone the recapitulation of votes and determination of the results of the 2024 General Election at the plenary stage of the District Election Committee (PPK). Then, it is rescheduled to Tuesday (20/2).
PDI-P considers Sirekap as an aid in the stages of voting and counting votes at polling stations as well as the recapitulation process for vote count results at the PPK level are two different things.
The delay in the recapitulation of the vote count results at the PPK level became irrelevant.
PDI Perjuangan conveyed that Sirekap's problem as an aid must be followed up immediately by returning the recapitulation process for calculating manual votes based on the certificate of vote count results C. Hasil. This is in accordance with the provisions of Article 393 paragraph (3) of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections.
Previously, Monday (19/2), KPU member Betty Epsilon Indroos confirmed that the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS) officers could not correct the results of the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres) which was misreaded by the Information Recapitulation System (Sirekap).
"For the votes acquired by the presidential election, the KPPS can only provide confirmation according to or not according to the results of the Sirekap reading," said Betty in Jakarta, Monday night.
Betty mengungkapkan koreksi data yang tidak sesuai dilakukan KPU kabupaten/kota melalui mekanisme Sirekap web (, sementara sistem dapat membacanya jika terjadi ketidaksesuaian.
He emphasized that Sirekap is an information system that has been designed to ensure maintained data control, monitoring and security.
The KPU denies claims this system can be manipulated for certain purposes, and underlines that its use has provided great support in terms of accountability and transparency. Setiawan