MKMK Holds A Meeting To Follow Up On Anwar Usman's Alleged Report On Violation Of Ethics

JAKARTA - The Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) held a Meeting of Honorary Councils (RMK) to ask for clarification from the reporters regarding their report regarding alleged ethical violations of Constitutional Justices.

"We have to organize the RMK to ask the reporter for clarification to determine whether, according to the MKMK, the report deserves to be forwarded to the examination stage or not," said Chief Justice of the MKMK I Dewa Gede Palguna when contacted, Wednesday 21 February, was confiscated by Antara. The meeting held on the 4th Floor of the Constitutional Court Building (MK) was running for approximately 30 minutes and was carried out behind closed doors. The judges present were I Dewa Gede Palguna, Ridwan Mansyur, and Yuliandri. Some of the reporters who were called were advocates of Zico Leonard Djagardo Simanjuntak, Andi Rahadian of the Constitutional Sahabat, and Harjo Winoto of law firm Rahnoto and colleagues. One of the reporters, advocate Zico, reported two things to the MKMK, namely related to the statement of former chairman of the MK Anwar Usman in a press conference last November. It is known, last November, Anwar Usman held a press conference to convey his response. One of the points that Anwar said was that he had known there was an attempt to politicize and make himself an object in various Constitutional Court decisions. In addition, Anwar also feels slandered in relation to case handling Number 90/PUU-XI/2023, namely related to the minimum age requirements of the presidential candidate (candidate) and vice presidential candidate (candidate). "The slander addressed to me is related to the handling of case Number 90/PUU-XXI/2023 is a very heinous slander," said Anwar.

Menurut Zico, pernyataan Anwar mengenai fitnah tersebut seolah-olah tidak terima oleh putusan MKMK.“Itu, kan, Pak Anwar terkesan tidak terima, sehingga banyak keluar berita Anwar Usman tidak terima oleh putusan MKMK. Itu yang saya laporkan,” kata dia.Laporan kedua terkait gugatan Anwar yang meminta keputusan pengangkatan Suhartoyo sebagai ketua baru MK dinyatakan tidak sah.“Kemudian masalah beliau menggugat ke PTUN. Terlepas menggugat adalah hak warga negara, tapi hal itu tidak etis karena sebagai sesama hakim, kok, menggugat hakim. Bagi saya itu ada dugaan pelanggaran etik, sehingga saya laporkan itu,” ujarnya.Ia mengatakan hasil dari rapat hari ini diputuskan bahwa laporan yang ia ajukan layak diteruskan ke tahap pemeriksaan dan ia diinstruksikan untuk melengkapi dokumen bukti-bukti.“Saya disuruh melengkapi dokumen berupa bukti lampiran berita. Untuk jangka waktunya, kalau memang serius, harus secepatnya karena, ‘kan, ini kepentingan sendiri,” ujarnya.