Isa, The 'Most Rich' Person Who Holds The Treasure Of IDR 10,000 Trillion, Duo Hartono, The Boss Of BCA, Passes By

JAKARTA - Some time ago the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani had mentioned that the richest person in Indonesia was not Robert Budi Hartono or Michael Bambang Hartono.

The minister said that the richest person in the country is the Director-General of State Assets at the Ministry of Finance, namely Isa Rachmatarwata.

Why is that? Finance Minister Sri Mulyani's statement was based on Isa's duty, who is responsible for overseeing state assets whose value is more than IDR 10,000 trillion.

In Isa's hands, all the treasures of this country are under his control. In other words, Isa is the person with the most wealthy assets in this republic.

Sri Mulyani threw the joke when giving a public lecture to prospective civil servants (PNS) at the Ministry of Finance on Wednesday, February 17 last.

Based on information released by the Ministry of Finance, until the end of 2019 the total value of state assets was IDR 10,467.53 trillion.

This figure consists of current assets of IDR 491.86 trillion, long-term investments of IDR 3,001.2 trillion, fixed assets of IDR 5,949.59 trillion, long-term receivables (net) of IDR 56.88 trillion, and other assets of IDR 967.98 trillion.

Of that amount, the total state assets 'under the control of' Isa Rachmatarwata is equivalent to US $ 734.07 billion (exchange rate of IDR 14,259).

This amount far exceeds the accumulated assets of the Hartono duo, which amounted to US $ 16.8 billion and US $ 15.7 billion, respectively, according to data reported by the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

How to become the “richest person” in Indonesia you don't have to be an entrepreneur right??