The Ministry Of Energy And Mineral Resources Announces The Winner Of The West Papua WK Bobara Auction
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) through the Directorate General of Oil and Gas (Ditjen Migas) has determined the winner of the 2023 Migas Working Area (WK) bid for WK Bobara.
To note, WK Bobara is offered through the Regular Auction mechanism.
The Oil and Gas WK offer starts on September 20, 2023 and ends on December 15, 2023.
Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Tutuka Ariadji, said that WK Bobara is located in the waters of West Papua Province with an area of 8,444.49 km2 and has a potential for oil and gas resources of 6.8 Billion Barrel Oil Equivalent (BBOE).
"Based on the results of the assessment of the participation documents from the auction participants, it has then been determined in the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, the WK Migas Winner Bobara company is Petronas Carigali North Madura II Ltd," said Tutuka at the closing of the National K3 month at the Lemigas Office. Jakarta, Tuesday, February 20.
WK Bobara won by Petronas Carigali North Madura II with an investment of 16.92 million US dollars and an arrival bonus of 50,000 US dollars.
The definite commitment in managing WK is 3 G&G studies, acquisition and reprocessing of 3D high resolution seismic data 2,000 km2.
Tutuka continued, from the results of the previous 2023 Oil and Gas WK Offer, the government had signed a 4 WK Migas Contract, namely WK Akia, Beluga, Bengara I and East Natuna.
So that with the increase in WK Bobara winners, the government will get a total commitment investment of definitely 51.6 million US dollars and a total signature bonus of 1.2 million US dollars.
"With exploration activities in the new Working Area, it is hoped that significant new oil and gas reserves can be found to be able to increase oil and gas production in Indonesia," concluded Tutuka.