ICDX Calls Sustainable Education Prevent Illegal Investment

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Commodity and Derivative Exchange (BKDI) or Indonesia Commodity & Derivatives Exchange (ICDX) emphasizes the importance of sustainable education. This is to prevent people from being trapped in illegal investment offers. "In addition to the blocking of sites, to protect the public, of course, it is necessary to collaborate with all stakeholders in the commodity future trading industry to carry out sustainable education," said ICDX President Director, Nursalam quoting Antara. With good education, the public will get complete information about the commodity-future trading industry, so it is not easy to get caught up in illegal investment offers on behalf of futures trading. "We believe that the key to developing commodity future trade is a good understanding in society including understanding of investment risks," he said. For this reason, ICDX as the Self Regulatory Organization (SRO) in the commodity-time trade sector cooperates with the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency (CoFTRA) and the official future broker to run various sustainable literacy and education programs for the community. The Indonesian government throughout 2023 has blocked 1,855 websites that offer illegal commodity-varying trading activities. The number of blocked sites has increased from 1,498 sites in 2022, and 1,222 sites in 2021.

Comodity futures trading industry regulates that the blocking aims to protect the public from potential losses incurred and provide legal certainty for business actors in the trade sector with commodity futures. "Regarding the blocking, we strongly support the efforts carried out by the government so that the community and business actors are protected," said Nursalam. For the community, this industry can be an alternative investment, and for businesses in utilizing commodity trading for hedging or protected commodity value," he said.