KPK Alludes To The OTT Of Sukamiskin Prison Responding To Mardani Maming Who Is Suspected Of Being Plesiran

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) reminded that it had held a hand arrest operation (OTT) at the Sukamiskin Class I Correctional Institution (Lapas), Bandung, West Java.

This was conveyed by the Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri in response to the news that the convict in the corruption case of the mining business permit (IUP) Mardani H. Maming traveled from Sukamiskin Prison. Initially, he said the anti-corruption commission had a study on the level of corruption risk in prisons so high.

"From the KPK study, it also found a high risk of corruption in the management of prisons. Where the KPK has also carried out bribery arrests at Sukamiskin Prison," Ali said in a written statement to reporters, Tuesday, February 20.

For information, the KPK held a hand arrest operation (OTT) at Sukamiskin Prison on August 21, 2018. One of the entangled was Wahid Husen, who was the head of Sukamiskin Prison at the time with his staff, Hendry Saputra.

Both were arrested for accepting bribes from Fahmi Darmawansyah, who is a convict of a corruption case and a general prisoner named Andri Rahmat. Giving is done so that the briber gets facilities in the cell as well as an easy permit to go in and out of the prison.

Returning to Ali, he said, the anti-corruption commission could not do much other than give an appeal. The Directorate General of Corrections at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights was asked to check the news that Mardani Maming was traveling even though he was still serving his sentence.

"The activities of inmates outside the prison must of course have the permission of prison officers, including for the needs of legal processes, health checks, or other important reasons," he said.

Meanwhile, as inmates, prison residents should obey the existing provisions and procedures. Their presence there should be understood as part of coaching and provide a deterrent effect.

"Moreover, corruption is an extraordinary crime," said Ali.

Previously reported, the former Regent of Tanah Bumbu Mardani H. Maming who was convicted of a corruption case of mining business license (IUP) was suspected of leaving the Sukamiskin Correctional Institution (Lapas), Bandung, West Java.

This information is known from the manifest or passenger data circulating. Mardani was recorded to have traveled by air using Citilink Indonesia airline on Monday, February 19.

He departed from Syamsuddin Noor-Banjarmasin International Airport (BDJ) for Surabaya at 19.40 WIB. Responding to this, the Head of Public Relations and Protocol of the Directorate General of Corrections (Ditjen PAS) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Deddy Eduar Eka Saputra Eka Saputra denied Mardani Maming's release outside the prison.

"Based on information from the Sukamiskin Class I Prison, he officially attended the Judicial Review (PK) session at the Banjarmasin District Court," said Deddy when confirmed by reporters, Monday, February 19.

Deddy ensured that the trip was also officially escorted by the police and prisons. So, Mardani is not just free to travel.