Today's Trial Of The Aiman Pretrial Lawsuit Continues, This Time The Metro Police Will Give An Answer To The Confiscation

JAKARTA - The South Jakarta District Court will hold a follow-up hearing on a pretrial lawsuit filed by a spokesman for the Ganjar-Mahfud MD National Winning Team (TPN), Aiman Witjaksono regarding the confiscation of social media accounts and emails by investigators from the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police, today.

In the follow-up trial, the Polda Metro Jaya legal team will provide an answer to the request from Aiman Witjaksono.

"(The trial with an agenda) The respondent's answer will be read out on Tuesday, February 20," said South Jakarta District Court Sole Judge Delta Tama, quoted on Tuesday, February 20.

At the previous trial, Aiman Witjaksono through his attorney, Finsensius Mendrofa, said that the confiscation of cell phones, social media, and emails by investigators from the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate of the Metro Jaya Police was legally flawed.

"The confiscation permit must be signed by the Chairman of the District Court, not the Deputy Chair of the District Court," said Finsensius Mendrofa.

According to him, the confiscation letter issued by the South Jakarta District Court (PN Jaksel) which became the basis for the confiscation of Aiman Witjaksono's cell phone was not in accordance with the applicable law.

The head of the South Jakarta District Court should have signed the letter, not the Deputy Chair of the South Jakarta District Court. Moreover, the confiscation letter also does not include the Deputy Chairperson of the South Jakarta District Court as acting or acting.

For this reason, said Mendrofa, his party submitted a pretrial to the South Jakarta District Court, so that what had been confiscated by the police could be returned.

"The confiscation by the respondent (Investigator of the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police) is formally flawed," he said.

As a reminder, Aiman Witjaksono officially filed a pretrial lawsuit for the confiscation of cellphones (HP) or cell phones related to the alleged hoax case in the statement of non-neutral police officers in the 2024 election.

The lawsuit was registered at the South Jakarta District Court (PN) on Tuesday (6/2/2024) with number 25/Pid.Pra/2024/PN JKT.SEL.