KPPS Members Died In Makassar Increase By One Person

A member of the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS) for the 2024 General Election named Muhammad Fahriiansyah is 26 years old and serves at polling stations (TPS) 12 of Lariang Bangi Village, Makassar District, was declared dead after being treated for three days at the Haji Hospital in Makassar, South Sulawesi.

This incident adds to the series of election organizers who died while carrying out their duties. It is recorded that three members of the KPPS have died in Makassar City and one in Wajo Regency at a young age, allegedly experiencing excessive fatigue.

The late Fahrisyah was treated at the Haji Hospital, Daeng Ngeppe Street, Tamalate District, Makassar for three days and two nights. But fate said otherwise, the person concerned was pronounced dead on Monday, at 18.50 WITA at the local hospital.

The body of the deceased was taken from the ICU to the ambulance with tears of emotion to his relatives, family and colleagues to the funeral home, at his grandmother's house, Jalan Latimojong, aisle 74 Makassar.

Lurah Lariang Bangi Yeti told reporters that the deceased had indeed experienced symptoms of illness, and felt unwell while on duty at his TPS on voting day Wednesday, February 14, 2024.

"Starting the day H he (the deceased) had a bit of fever, when the Puskesmas officers came around the area, at the location (the health worker team) said that there were any officers who wanted to be given vitamins. I said, coincidentally there was one member. So, at that time they were taken to the Puskesmas to be examined, given medicine, given vitamins," said Yeti at the hospital.

After receiving health services and being given medicine and vitamins, the deceased then shifted to his place of duty and tried to return to carrying out his duties as a member of the KPPS at TPS 12.

"He returned to the location and took a break at the office for a while, and after a bit of a good time he continued his duties at TPS 12 Lariangbangngi Village. So, until the new calculation he returned to his house. And the next day, he was still hot and cold (demam) and his parents took him to the Haji Hospital," he said..

The victim was treated for three days and two nights since Saturday (17/2) and on Monday (19/2) night his last breath at the hospital was around 18.50 WITA.

"The deceased is not married, he is still single, the eldest of three children. His body was taken to his grandmother's house on Latimojong Street, Lorong 74," added Yeti.

Di tempat yang sama, Camat Makassar Husni MB mengatakan bahwa yang bersangkutan adalah petugas KPPS di TPS 12 Kelurahan Lariang Bangi. Dari informasi didapatkan, korban diduga keletihan dan kel tired.

"Saturday, the day after the calculation he (the deceased) said he was tired. The complaint was hot and cold, maybe because he was staying up late during the calculations, after that he was taken to the Hajj Hospital. What is the disease, I also don't know what the pain is. Is there an ulcer or what, I just found out earlier," he told the media crew.

Previously, two members of the KPPS in Makassar City, namely Wiliam Tandi Paelongan, aged 24 years, served at TPS 007, Bangkala Village, Manggala District.

and Daliyah Salsabila, aged 24 years on duty at TPS 45, Minasa Upa Village, Rappocini District, was declared dead on Thursday, February 15 at the hospital.

Followed by a member of KPPS at TPS 001 Jenne Maeja Village, South Ponrang District, Luwu Regency named Aziz Dzulfiansyah aged 23 years died on Friday 16 February 2024 at his home allegedly experiencing fatigue.

Furthermore, on February 17, 2024, one of the Bawaslu Village Supervisors (PKD) named Firman, 56 years old on duty in Tebba Village, Salomekko District, Bone Regency was also declared dead at Tenriwaru Hospital, Bone.