There Is An Order To Stop The Voice Recapitulation, PDIP Asks The KPU To Give An Explanation

PDI-P (PDIP) politician Deddy Yevri Sitorus asked the General Elections Commission (KPU) to provide an explanation for an order to the 2024 election organizers to stop the vote recapitulation process at the sub-district level.

According to Deddy, the order raised allegations of systematic efforts to outsmart the votes of the election results, in favor of a seat that led to the quota of the Speaker of the DPR for the period 2024-2029, and or to pass one of the certain political parties ordered by the authorities to Parliament.

Deddy, who is also a PDIP candidate for the North Kalimantan (Kaltara) electoral district, admitted that he was surprised to hear the termination of the recapitulation process for Election votes at the sub-district level in Kaltara.

"There is information in the regions that the Central KPU ordered the termination of the recapitulation of votes at the sub-district level, which was not consulted with Election participants and Commission II of the DPR," said Deddy Yevri in an official statement, Sunday, February 18.

Deddy assessed that the KPU had legally stopped the recapitulation process. However, he continued, the conditions are in a force majeure condition. For example, during the earthquake or mass riots.

"We got information that the reason for the termination was because the Sirekap system experienced problems in the data reading. Even though Sirekap is not an official and legal vote counting method. The vote count recommendation is a tiered recapitulation, or a manual C1," he said.

Even if the reason for the force majeure is true, continued Deddy, the cessation of the recapitulation process should only be carried out in affected areas.

"So, for example, an earthquake or rioting occurred in area A, so the cessation of recapitulation only occurred in area A. How come we got information that the cessation occurred throughout Indonesia," he explained.

Therefore, according to Deddy, there was an analysis and public suspicion with the suspicion that there was a certain motive behind the termination. First, regarding the PDIP's tight competition with the Golkar Party as the winner of the most seats in the election. The link is that the winner of the most seats will receive the share of the chairman of the DPR.

"Incidentally, the number of votes for the two parties was narrowed. Indeed, from the number of votes, the PDI-P is at the top. But regarding the number of seats, it has to do with the distribution of votes that rely on seats. There is a small chance that Golkar can be pushed to get the highest number of seats. That's the first assumption that is widely discussed below, "explained Deddy.

Second, continued Deddy, regarding the suspicion that one of the political parties that actually did not pass the Parliamentary Threshold, wanted to be forced to qualify for parliament. This party is said to be still close to the authorities at the Palace.

"So second, there is a strong suspicion of systematic efforts to win one of the election constituents. There is news that there is an operation so that the votes of small parties will be taken to be diverted, especially the Perindo Party, Gelora and the Ummat Party," he said.

To overcome these confusions and allegations, Deddy hopes that the KPU will immediately provide a complete explanation.

"If left unchecked, many will shout that the KPU has a strong tendency to commit crimes against the investigation if it is based on Sirekap, not the real force majeure. So we ask that the KPU must provide an explanation of the information regarding the termination of this recapitulation process," concluded Deddy.