Surakarta Bulog Prepares Grain Absorption From The March-April Grand Panen

JAKARTA - Perum Bulog Surakarta City stated that it has prepared an activity to absorb grain from farmers' harvest during the main harvest season in the Solo area, Central Java Province, which is estimated from early March to April 2024.

"We will procure grain for farmers scheduled to start the harvest season in the Solo Raya area, from early March to April," said Head of the Surakarta City Bulog Branch, Andy Nugroho, in Solo as quoted by Antara, Sunday.

Bulog Surakarta for rice stocks to date, as much as 12,000 tons of rice are still sufficient for needs in Solo Raya until next April. For the time being, the rice stock is still sufficient until it returns to absorb grain from early March to April.

He explained that the Surakarta Bulog to absorb the February grain price could actually be done, but because it was not yet the main harvest period, the absorption was still waiting for the time. If Bulog absorbs the current grain, it actually affects the price of rice tends to be high.

"So, business friends in small mills cannot buy grain. In fact, there will be competition between big entrepreneurs, including Bulog, to absorb grain," he said.

Therefore, Bulog to maintain stable face-to-face prices, does not absorb grain first so that small quality rice milling entrepreneurs are filled or absorb grain from farmers first.

Bulog temporarily refrains from procuring grain and only absorbs grain when there are abundant remaining stocks by purchasing grain around early March. This is so as not to interfere with small milling activities so as not to trigger an increase in the price of grain in the market.