Serang City Bawaslu Ordered 11,540 APKs During The 2024 Election
SERANG - The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of Serang City, Banten Province has brought order to 11,540 Campaign Performance Equipment (APK) during the election until February 14, 2024. "The control of the APK has been carried out since the end of last year, a total of Bawaslu has carried out eight times controlling the APK of the election participants," said Serang City Bawaslu Commissioner Fierly Murdlyiat Mabruri in Serang Banten, Saturday. He explained that during a quiescent period towards the voting date, the local Bawaslu managed to control a total of 4,692 APKs. With three participating parties participating in the most APK contributors, which are often seen in each corner of Serang City, namely Party number 4, with number 1,313 later, number 14 number 765, and number 8 with 686. He said, the purpose of controlling this APK has something to do with the reporting of campaign funds for election participants to Campaign Fund Donation Reports (LPSDK), including how much to make APK. "We already have the data, before they will make campaign fund reporting. The cost of the figures also cannot be made up, we have the data," said Fierly.
He explained that election participants had 15 days to report campaign funds at LPSDK.
From there it will be known that if there are election participants who manipulate financial reports for the campaign. "We will nominate all of this APK waste in the form of money later, now we will be with the public accounting firm. Sanctions reporting campaign funds are not true, they will be punished," he said. Later, the APK waste that accumulates in the Bawaslu office will be weighed first before being demolished by being punished, and if there are election participants who want to take the current confiscated APK, Bawaslu will not allow it.