Violations Found Including KPPS Coblos Many Votes, Bawaslu Bangkalan Rekomendasi PSU At 12 TPS

BANGKALAN - The General Election Supervisory Agency of Bangkalan Regency, East Java, recommended the General Elections Commission to re-vote for the 2024 General Election at 12 polling stations because it was found that there were violations during voting day.

"In addition to recommending re-voting (PSU), we also recommend recounting," said Head of the Bangkalan Regency General Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) Ahmad Mustin as reported by ANTARA, Friday, February 16.

He explained that Bawaslu recommended recounting the vote acquisition results at 35 polling stations (TPS) in a number of sub-districts.

The recommendations were based on the findings of Bawaslu members and reports from the public with evidence in the form of photos and videos of election violations. There were even violations that were intentionally committed by the TPS officers.

"We have pocketed evidence, both reported by our members and public reports. There is also a video showing members of the KPPS (Voting Organizing Group) voting many ballots and including themselves in ballot boxes," said Mustin, explaining.

The PSU is planned to be held at TPS 04 Glagga Village, Arosbaya District, for the election of DPD, DPR RI, and Regency DPRD. Then the DiTPS 07 Sendang Dajah Village, Labang District, PSU for district DPRD, and TPS 15 Socah Village, Socah District, held a PSU for district DPRD.

In addition, PSudiTPS 8 and 21 villages of Keleyan, Socah District, for district DPRD elections. Then TPS 13 Mlajah Village, Bangkalan District; as well as TPS 3, 13, 20, 21, and 24 Kraton Villages, Bangkalan District, held a PSU for all elections.

Meanwhile, the re-calculation recommendations were carried out at TPS 06 Sanggra Agung Village, Socah District, for district DPRD ballots. Then TPS 1 to 12 Bator Villages, Klampis District, and TPS 1 to 8 Telang Village, Kamal District, recalculated all ballots.

Recalculated for all ballots is also recommended at TPS 7 of East Gili Village, Kamal District, then TPS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 24, 26, 27, 34, 35, and 48 villages of Banyuajuh, Kamal District; as well as TPS 1 to 9 Kamal Village.