Police Bring Logistics Elections That Had Collapsed Arrived On West Batu Island

The North Sumatra Regional Police (Polda) stated that Bripda Eben Zebua, who was floating with election logistics in the form of ballot boxes in the South Nias Sea due to damage to the boat engine, was safe and has docked on West Batu Island.

"Alhamdulillah, last night at around 18.45 WIB, a member of the TPS carrying a ballot box who previously experienced a dead boat engine had docked to Batu Barat Island, South Nias," said Head of Public Relations of Kombes North Sumatra Police Hadi Wahyudi as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, 16 February.

Hadi continued that the officer had reached the District Election Committee (PPK) of West Batu Island, South Nias with the ballot box.

"This is also thanks to the help of the local residents to push the boat," he said.

Hadi explained that the election process had been running smoothly, the community also helped and the KPU as the organizer had anticipated the distribution process.

Previously, Bripda Eben Zebua, a member on duty on the outer islands, had to struggle to navigate the sea bordering the Indian Ocean with a two-hour sailing time.

Zebua, who was on a boat, was adrift in the ocean and carrying four ballot boxes from the collection at TPS 1, Subaranun Village to be carried to Batu Barat Island, South Nias.

In the viral video, Bripda Eben Zebua immortalizes the moment of himself in the engine boat while reporting to his commander that the boat carrying the ballot box had a engine strike.

"Good afternoon commander, reporting that our ship cannot be alive and water has entered the ship," he said in the video.