Prosecutor Executes Irwandi Yusuf Napi's 2017 Tsunami Cup Corruption To The Detention Center

BANDA ACEH - Banda Aceh District Attorney executed convicted of corruption in the Aceh World SolidarityCup (AWSC) tournament or the 2017 Tsunami Cup, M. Zaini Yusuf, the younger brother of former Aceh Governor Irwandi Yusuf.

"Today, the executing prosecutor of the Banda Aceh Kejari has carried out the execution of the convict. Zaini alias Bang M Bin the late Yusuf in the 2017 AWSC budget irregularities case," said Head of the Banda Aceh Kejari Irwansyah as reported by ANTARA, Friday, February 16.

The execution was carried out after an order was made by the Supreme Court's decision to the Banda Aceh Kejari Number Print-242/L.1.10/Fu.1/02/2024 dated February 7, 2024.

In this case, the Supreme Court has issued a decision Number: 5788K/Pid.Sus/2023 in December 2023 which received a request for cassation by the public prosecutor and canceled the decision of the Banda Aceh Corruption Court.

"Furthermore, M Zaini was declared legally proven and convinced to commit a criminal act of corruption jointly in the implementation of the 2017 AWSC event with a sentence of two years in prison and a fine of Rp. 50 million (a subsidiary of two months in prison)," he said.

Previously, M Zaini was sentenced to four years in prison by the panel of judges at the Banda Aceh Corruption Court. The verdict is lower than the demands of the Banda Aceh Public Prosecutor's Office, which is six years and six months in prison.

Then, the defendant Zaini was declared free from the lawsuit (Onslag) by the Banda Aceh High Court and has been released from detention.

Not accepting the appeal decision, the Public Prosecutor then filed an appeal to the Supreme Court and was accepted and the defendant was found guilty of a criminal act of corruption.

Defendant Zaini has been out of custody so far because since the examination stage of witnesses and evidence at the trial, the panel of judges has transferred the type of detention of the defendant from a detention center to a city detention.

"Today we have summoned the defendant properly and have just fulfilled our summons to be executed at the Class II B Rutan Kajhu Banda Aceh," said Irwansyah.

In carrying out the international standard tournament, the defendant M Zaini played the role of coach of AWSC 2017.

In its implementation, there was a deviation in activity management with a budget of Rp9.2 billion. Based on the report on the results of the examination by the Aceh Representative BPKP, there was a state financial loss of around Rp2.8 billion.

On the previous occasion, the prosecutor also recovered and returned the country's financial losses of around Rp900 million.

"The rest, the prosecutor will try to carry out a tracing asset to recover the country's financial losses," added Irwansyah.