RSJ Marzoeki Mahdi Bogor Ready To Serve Stressed Legislative Candidates Due To Fail To Be Elected
BOGOR - Marzoeki Mental Hospital (RSJ) Mahdi Bogor, West Java is ready to accept and serve legislative candidates who need therapy when they are stressed due to failing to be elected in the 2024 election.
RSJ Marzoeki Mahdi's Legal and Public Relations Manager, Pragurdian Priatma in Bogor City, Friday, said that although the RSJ is ready to serve legislative candidates, the service is not specially made. This is because RSJ Marzoeki Mahdi does serve mental health specialization.
"Yes (not made specifically), because it already exists. Nothing is specific, because we specialize in mental health. Long before there was a moment of pellengance, it was already there," said Dian as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, February 16.
He said that during the process leading up and after the 2024 General Election, no patients were suspected of having come to RSJ Marzoeki Mahdi. Plus the doctors also did not disclose the medical information.
"Doctors do not disclose the medical information, both their identity and origin, except in urgent circumstances, such as requests for central data," he said.
However, he said, in 2019, RSJ Marzoeki Mahdi had received a patient who was a support team for legislative candidates, where the patient was depressed because he ran out of money.
"In 2019 nothing (candidates came), there was a team supporting legislative candidates. Not from the legislative candidate. Yes (depression) because the money ran out. Already hospitalized," said Dian.
Dian said that currently RSJ Marzoeki Mahdi has counseling and hospitalization services. Of the total 580 beds, 100 of them are used for public services and the remaining 480 are for mental services.
From the data he has, on Friday the bed capacity for mental services is around 70 to 80 percent filled. Thus, RSJ Marzoeki Mahdi still has available beds.
Dian said the patients at RSJ Marzoeki Mahdi came from various areas outside Bogor. Given that this RSJ is a national mental health center and a national reference.
"So, when we talk about whether the room is available? Yes, it is available. From heavy, medium, light, and rehabilitation. There is daily rehabilitation," he said.