KPU Surabaya Prepares Compensation For 2 KPPS Officers Died

The General Election Commission (KPU) of Surabaya City, East Java has prepared compensation for officials of the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS) who died after serving in the 2024 General Election (Pemilu).

Secretary of the KPU Surabaya City Karya Saptadi admitted that he had received a report that two KPPS officers had died, namely on behalf of Imnesty Aufa (22) from Pweakan and Joko Budiono (51) from North Krukah.

"It is true that we have received this report, so based on KPU Decree Number 59 of 2023 for technical guidelines for the provision of death compensation and accident compensation, we are processing it according to administrative procedures and factually," said stripteng in Surabaya, Friday, February 16.

He said the compensation funds were worth Rp36 million and would be given directly to each family or heir.

"Then you can be given a meal fee of Rp. 10 million," he said.

As is known, the Chairman of KPPS TPS 42 Joko Budiono died due to illness on Friday. The deceased was previously treated at the Dr Soetomo Regional General Hospital (RSUD), Surabaya, on Wednesday (14/2).

Meanwhile, a KPPS officer on behalf of Imnesty Aufa from Jalan Pwenan died due to a traffic accident after completing his duties at TPS 41, Kedungdoro Village, Tegalsari District.

udinal explained that the delivery of death compensation to heirs adjusted to the working period of the KPPS which from the beginning was inaugurated until the end of the term of duty.

"So we have to examine, they have been inaugurated on January 25 and the last limit is February 25, we can cover the compensation later," he said.

Currently, the Surabaya KPU is still trying to collect administrative data on two KPPS officers who died in coordination with their heirs.

"We report it to the provincial KPU to be forwarded to the Indonesian KPU, after an order is made we will follow up," he said.

Meanwhile,koleh menyebut ada sejumlah petugas yang mengalami gangguan kesehatan karena kelemahan hingga kecelakaan saat bertugas di Pemilu 2024.

"One PPK, three PPS, five KPPS. One KPPS was hospitalized because of an accident while bringing ballot boxes from polling stations to PPS, the incident occurred on Jalan Tenggilis Mejoyo," saidten.