President Abbas Says the Palestinian Authority is Ready to Take Responsibility in Gaza Immediately After the War

JAKARTA - President Mahmoud Abbas said the Palestinian Authority (PA) is ready to fulfill its responsibilities towards the Gaza Strip, "as soon as the aggression against our people stops."

"We have been and continue to be responsible for Gaza, and we will remain so," he explained in an interview with the Saudi newspaper Asharq al-Awsat, reported by The Times of Israel, February 16.

Commenting on reports the United States government may be close to achieving plans to establish a Palestinian state, President Abbas said: "We have had several meetings with top US officials, including (US Secretary of State Antony) Blinken, (National Security Advisor Jake) Sullivan and (Director CIA William) Burns, and they have assured us of their commitment to a two-state solution and support for peace efforts based on international law."

However, Abbas claims Washington's support for Israel is hindering real progress towards establishing a Palestinian state.

"The most important thing is action on the field, not just words," he said.

Responding to US pressure to "revitalize" the PA through structural reforms, including the transfer of presidential functions to the prime minister and the reduction of the president's role to a purely ceremonial one, the leader responded that the Palestinian people were independent in decision-making.

Abbas lamented the absence of an "Israeli partner" for peace claiming that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was an "obstacle" to the peace process.

In the words of President Abbas, a Palestinian state consisting of the West Bank and Gaza along the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital must first obtain full UN membership through a Security Council resolution, followed by an international peace conference with guarantees and a fixed time period. clear.

According to a Washington Post report citing US and Arab officials, the US could announce a blueprint for recognizing the State of Palestine with a firm timeline in the next few weeks, although the timing depends heavily on a deal to stop fighting in Gaza.

Previously, US President Joe Biden wanted the PA to immediately carry out reforms, so that in the future it could benefit the Palestinian people, when Hamas was no longer in power in Gaza.

President Biden said this after meeting with King Abdullah II of Jordan at the White House, Washington D.C. Monday local time.

"We strive to create conditions for lasting peace by fulfilling Israel's security guarantees, as well as Palestinian aspirations for their own state. I say this as a lifelong support for Israel. That is the only way that guarantees Israel's security for the long term," said President Biden earlier in the week This.

"To achieve this, Palestine must also take advantage of this opportunity. The Palestinian Authority must immediately carry out reforms so that it can effectively provide benefits to the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza," continued Biden.

Furthermore, President Biden also underscored the importance of the PA's ability to build a country that accepts peace, without the presence of militant groups such as Hamas.

"After Hamas' control over Gaza ends, (the PA) must prepare to build a state that accepts peace, does not accommodate groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad," he said.

"We have begun to integrate this region, to bring about peace between Israel and all its Arab neighbors, including a future Palestinian state. This effort was already underway before the October 7 attack. This is even more urgent now," said President Biden.