Ganjar-Mahfud Left In Quick Count, FX Rudy Asks PDIP Sympathizers In Solo To Stay Calm

SOLO - Chairman of the PDI-P Branch of Surakarta City, FX Hadi Rudyatmo, asked all PDIP sympathizers in Solo to maintain a conducive situation after the results of the 2024 Presidential and Vice Presidential General Elections (Pilpres) were issued.

"Yes, we received the quick count results and we are still waiting for the actual results of the KPU's decision," said Rudy when witnessing the quick count at the PDI-P DPC office in Brengosan, Solo, as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, February 14.

In the preliminary results of the quick count held by the Surakarta City PDI-P DPC, the Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud Md pair received 33.89 percent of the votes.

This figure is lower than the Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka pair which won up to 49.86 percent of the votes. Meanwhile, the pair Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar received 16.26 percent of the votes.

Until now, the votes that came in came from 692 polling stations (TPS). The total number of TPS in Solo is 1,773.

"Looking at this, yes, we have done the best possible struggle. Whatever happens, we have to accept it," said Rudy.

He also asked sympathizers not to stress. However, Rudy still asked all parties to wait for the results of the official vote count that left the General Elections Commission (KPU).

"The decision of the central KPU is our reference. Whatever results are obtained, it must be accepted gracefully. This is our common concern, we move more massively, but the results are only like this," he said.

Rudy also asked sympathizers not to make any movements without orders from him.

"Our PDIP cadres value militant cadres, not openi (I have been treated) for years. My children in the region should not do anything that harms the community," he said.

Asked about communication with the Chairperson of the PDI-P Megawati Soekarnoputri after the temporary results were issued, Rudy said that until now he had not communicated at all.

"I'm at the bottom, at least I'll be labeled piyeSolo. Yes, Solo itself, the coalition is PPP, Hanura, Perindo doesn't have a seat," he said.