Prabowo Ungggul At TPS 34 Manahan Solo Where Gibran Mencoblos

SOLO - The pair of presidential and vice presidential candidates number two Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka excels at the 34 Manahan Solo Voting Station (TPS), Central Java where Gibran voting in the 2024 General Election.

Chairman of KPPS TPS 34 Manahan Heru Mawanto on the sidelines of the vote count said the number of presidential and vice-presidential candidates number two was superior with 110 votes.

Furthermore, pair number three Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud Md received 53 votes and pair number one Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar received six votes.

"Meanwhile, there are two invalid votes, a total of 171 votes," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, February 14.

For the two invalid votes, it is known that the voters voted for two presidential choices.

Heru said the number of permanent voters (DPT) at TPS 34 was 182 people. This means that there are eleven people registered in the DPT who do not use their voting rights.

Previously, Gibran and his wife Selvi Ananda made a vote at TPS 34 Manahan, Solo, Central Java, Wednesday. The two arrived at the TPS at around 11.07 WIB.

It looks like no special treatment was received by both of them when they arrived at the TPS. After registering, they get a ballot letter and then enter the booth to vote on their respective options.

Gibran admitted that there were no special preparations before coming to the TPS.

"There is no special preparation. Come, vote, go home," he said.