TPN: Ganjar-Mahfud MD Understands People's Suffering

JAKARTA - TPN spokesman Ganjar-Mahfud, Chico Hakim said that presidential and vice presidential candidates number three had absorbed the aspirations of the people during campaigns in a number of regions. Therefore, Ganjar-Mahfud is considered very understanding the concerns and needs of the Indonesian people.

"Pak Ganjar Mahfud really understands the suffering of the people really understands what the people need," Chico told reporters quoted on Wednesday, February 14.

"This must be understood by the public that desicacy with the people is not something that is fabricated," he continued.

According to him, Ganjar-Mahfud is the pair of presidential and vice-presidential candidates who have been the most direct during the 75-day campaign. According to him, it is solely to absorb aspirations and convey the vision and mission to the community.

"Pak Ganjar and Pak Mahfud are the people's presidents that we want to convey to the public that apart from the vision and mission that side with the people," he said.

Chico said Ganjar-Mahfud is also the candidate pair closest to the people. Because, the background of those born into simple people's families.

"Pak Ganjar and Pak Mahfud are those who really were born from simple families, people's families, from families who live from day to day fighting," said Chico.