Hasto: Be Careful, Don't Manipulate People's Voices

Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto said the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) was a moment of proof of 'people's power'. In fact, the people will move in the event of fraud.

"We say this election is the moment of truth for the people's power itself to show that the truth in politics cannot be manipulated," Hasto told reporters, Wednesday, February 14.

Not to forget, Hasto gave an ultimatum to all parties who were still determined to cheat to win certain candidate pairs (paslon) in the 2024 election contestation. This is because the people will move to fight the fraud.

"But when manipulation is still being carried out and we will look into it further. Then the people will move," he said.

"So be careful not to manipulate people's voices because the voice of the people is the voice of God. That is what we hold as morality in the election which is very important," continued Hasto.

On the other hand, Hasto also believes that the presidential and vice presidential candidates Ganjar-Mahfud will come out victorious in the 2024 presidential election contestation.

"Of course we are optimistic because the movement of the people who are suing various efforts to generate power has actually received a response in the form of support for Pak Ganjar Mahfud and also for the PDI-P," said Hasto.