KPI Reminds Broadcasting Institutions To Maintain Neutrality During Voting

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) reminded broadcasters to maintain the neutrality of broadcast programs during the 2024 General Election political contestation.
The head of the Ubaidillah Central KPI, in a statement received in Jakarta, Wednesday, said that broadcasters should not be participated with any of the election participants, as stated in the 2012 KPI Broadcasting Code of Conduct and Broadcast Program Standards (P3 & SPS).
Ubaidillah said the obligation to maintain neutrality of broadcast content was also stated in Law Number 32 of 2002 concerning Broadcasting, which is the legal basis for organizing broadcasting activities, both television and radio.
In addition, in this election, broadcasting institutions are also bound by KPI Regulation Number 4 of 2023 concerning Supervision of Electional News, Broadcasting and Campaign Ads at Broadcasting Institutions, as well as other regulations issued by Election Organizers.
Broadcast content containing campaigns and crowding the public to select certain candidates, said Ubaidillah, is limited to only a campaign period.
"This means that after the campaign period in broadcasting institutions, broadcast content must be maintained with neutrality," he said, quoted by Antara, Wednesday.
So that there will be no more broadcast of campaign coverage and candidate track records, advertisements for candidate pairs and/or legislative candidates, or other forms of broadcast that can affect people's political choices.
Ubaidillah also reminded that the mandate of using broadcasts for public purposes is clearly stated in P3SPS, including a ban on the use of broadcast programs for the personal interests of broadcasters and or their groups.
KPI itself, said Ubaidillah, will immediately take firm action if there is a violation of the neutrality of broadcasting institutions on voting day and vote count.
In the law, KPI has the authority to submit recommendations for the revocation of broadcasting licenses (IPP) for television and radio.
"KPI has done that in the implementation of the last election," said Ubaidillah.
In addition, his party reminded broadcasters to optimize the function of political education and social control in guarding democratic parties in this country.
"The neutrality of broadcast content has become a must at the moment of the democratic party now," he said.
KPI hopes that in this election, broadcasting institutions will take a role in conveying correct and balanced information in the broadcast program that is responsible.
"The neutrality commitment of broadcasting institutions is at stake in this election broadcast. Fair and balanced for all candidates is a must, and that is the responsibility of broadcasting institutions for the integrity of this nation in the future," Ubaidillah ordered.