PPLN London's Explanation Of The Viral Video Of Indonesian Citizens Can't Vote

JAKARTA - The London Foreign Election Committee (PPLN) responded to a viral video with a narrative stating that a number of Indonesian citizens in Great Britain and Ireland could not channel their voting rights on voting day for the 2024 General Election.

The chairman of PPLN London, Denny Kurniawan, said that the voting at the Voting Stations (TPS) 001 and 003 actually exceeded the time determined in KPU Decree Number 66 of 2024 concerning Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of Voting and Calculation of Votes in General Elections, which is 08.00-18.00 or within 10 hours.

"The voting at Polling Stations 001 and 003 will be held from 08.00 to 20.00 local time. It is longer than the time determined in KPU Decree Number 66 of 2024," Denny said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, February 13.

Previously, a video circulated of a number of Indonesian citizens unable to exercise their voting rights at the 001 and 003 Voting Points (TPS) in the city of London, namely The KIA Oval (Jardine Suite) Kennington, London, SE11 5SS.

In the video circulating, voters say it arrived before 18.00 local time, but PPLN did not invite them to enter the TPS.

Denny said that the longer voting time than the provisions was carried out in order to accommodate prospective voters who were already in the building that was used as TPS.

He added that the provisions regarding health and security rules that apply in the United Kingdom by implementing an open gate and entrance system that adjusts the capacity of the building are considered not to affect the voter registration process.

"However, the system of opening and closing gates and entrances does not affect the voter registration process at the registration desk, which continuously collects voters in the main room until 18.00 GMT," he said.

Therefore, Denny said that a number of Indonesian citizens did not allow them to exercise their voting rights because they were still listed on the domestic voter list (DPT).

"With regard to voters who are not allowed to enter the special voter list (DPK), this is because the voter has been registered with the domestic DPT," he said.

He also reminded Indonesian citizens to always check voter status data so that the incident does not happen again in the future.

Denny explained that the 001 TPS in London City received 1,339 ballots consisting of 1,310 ballots based on DPT plus 27 percent of reserve ballots, two letters of return to order from the post.

Meanwhile, the number of voters who voted at Polling Station 001 was 1,163 people.

Then for TPS 003 in London received 1,887 ballots, with details of 1,850 ballots based on DPT plus 2 percent of reserve ballots as many as 37 shares. Meanwhile, the number of voters who gave voting rights was recorded at 1,114 people.

For TPS 002 in Manchester, 332 ballots were received, with details of ballots based on DPT as many as 302 sheets plus 2 percent of reserve ballots as many as 7 sheets and 23 pieces of return to order ballots from the post. The number of voters who gave voting rights was recorded at 332 people.

Denny explained that the ballot received by PPLN London was in accordance with the number of DPTLN (Regional Voter List) plus a reserve ballot of 2 percent, as stipulated in Article 17 of KPU Regulation Number 25 of 2023 concerning Voting and Counting of Votes in General Elections.

One of the three polling stations, namely TPS 002 in Manchester City, does not have a remaining ballot, so it is recorded that dozens of people cannot exercise their voting rights.

"A total of 78 prospective voters who have registered for the queue number cannot vote because the available ballots have run out. We appreciate the prospective voters who have been patient waiting until the vote ends and can accept the situation of not being able to vote because the ballot has run out," said Denny.

Meanwhile, regarding the remaining ballots at the polling station, Denny said the committee had crossed out so that it could not be used by other voters.

"And it was recorded by the Overseas Voting Committee Group (KPPSLN) witnessed by all witnesses from the pair of candidates and parties participating in the election in accordance with the provisions in KPU Decree Number 66 of 2024 concerning Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of Voting and Counting in General Elections," he said.