Thanks To PPKM, The Highest Increase In Cases And Deaths Of COVID-19 Is No Longer Dominated By Java

JAKARTA - The COVID-19 Handling Task Force said the highest increase in cases and death toll this week was no longer dominated by provinces on the island of Java.

"In general, the highest increase in cases and deaths is no longer dominated by the island of Java. Even the provinces on the island of Java have not entered the five provinces with an increase in deaths," said Wiku Adisasmito, spokesman for the COVID-19 Task Force on YouTube BNPB. Indonesia, Thursday, February 25th.

Wiku said, the addition of positive cases this week increased 2.61 percent compared to the previous week. In fact, the previous two weeks had decreased.

"The increase in cases, although small, was contributed by the five provinces with the highest increase in cases, namely West Java, up by 12,069, Banten by 834, South Kalimantan by 225, Central Kalimantan by 200, and Central Java by 144," said Wiku.

Meanwhile, the increase in cases of death decreased 5.43 percent from the previous week. This means, said Wiku, there has been a decrease in mortality for 3 consecutive weeks.

Despite the decline, attention needs to be paid to the 5 provinces that recorded the highest increase in mortality this week, namely North Sumatra up 8 from last week, South Sulawesi up 6, Riau up 5, Riau Islands up 4, and Central Kalimantan up 4.

"It can be seen that even in the top five provinces, the mortality rate is very small. However, just one death is considered a life. For that, we should not underestimate a small number," he explained.

Wiku said that these data were in line with the hope of imposing restrictions on community activities (PPKM) in Java and Bali. However, there are still a number of provinces in Java and Bali where cases are still increasing and the cure rate is decreasing.

Therefore, Wiku asks local governments that have the lowest cure rates to increase their tracing, testing, and treatment (3T) efforts and to their communities continue to apply 3M health protocols such as wearing masks, maintaining distance, and washing hands.

"With the implementation of micro PPKM on the islands of Java and Bali, it is hoped that it can focus on handling down to the smallest level, so as to result in a better case development," he said.