Amid Moral Disintegration, Young Beringin T-shirt 03 Values Dirty Vote Is Important For Political Education

JAKARTA - Young Beringin 03's causal assessed that the documentary film Dirty Vote which reviewed allegations of fraud, including nepotism in the 2024 election, was important to watch in the midst of moral disintegration.

"This is the thought of a genius from the three constitutional law experts, the bagamana revealed a veil of indications of fraud in the 2024 Election which is structured, massive and systematic, the point of importance as political education in communities that have been contaminated with the pragmatism virus was created by the ruling elites," said the Deputy Causcus Dekator Beringin 03 Rafik Perkasa Alam to the media crew, Monday, February 12.

The film Dirty Vote, directed by Dandhy Dwi Laksono, went viral after being released on the first day of peace for the 2024 General Election through the YouTube channel on Sunday, February 11.

It has not been two days since the screening of this film has been watched by 2 million shows and transactions on social media.

This film features three constitutional law experts, namely Bivitri Susanti from the Jentera Indonesia Law College, Feri Amsari from Andalas University, and Zainal Arifin Mochtar from Gadjah Mada University (UGM). The three experts explained various weaknesses, political manipulation, and fraud that occurred in the electoral system in Indonesia.

Rafik explained that this film shows anomalies that have occurred ahead of the 2024 General Election, including the appointment of 20 Acting Governors and 82 Acting Mayors or Regents by President Jokowi to be considered a political practice of retaliation and to create loyalty, intimidation of eight village head organizations (kades) and the declaration of GBK by eight village head organizations to mobilize the mass of certain political interests, and allegations of misuse of social assistance (bansos) by state officials.

"The most embarrassing thing is the birth of a constitutional haram child through the controversial decision of the Constitutional Court (MK)," said Rafik.

According to him, he had predicted that this would be done by the current authorities because he had won the Jokowi-Ma'ruf national campaign in the 2019 presidential election.

"I support the film Dirty Vote because if we continue to allow our democratic climate to be unhealthy. We have to imitate America. Even an incumbent president can lose, last presidential election Donald Trump lost to opposition Joe Biden," he said.

He also requested that the General Elections Commission (KPU) and the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) investigate allegations of fraud, including nepotism in the 2024 General Election, which was shown in the film Dirty Vote.

"We should fix it so that there is a healthy democracy, a clean, safe, transparent election so that the people will benefit," he said.