Menpan-RB: President Jokowi Approves The Preparation Of ASN Management RPP
JAKARTA - Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan-RB) Abdullah Azwar Anas said President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) had approved the preparation of the Draft Government Regulation on Management of State Civil Apparatus (ASN) on Monday, February 5.
"Furthermore, an Inter-Ministerial Committee will be formed. Because the President advised that the RPP preparation be carried out in coordination with ministries/non-ministerial government agencies related to the substance that will be regulated in the ASN Management RPP," Anas said in his statement, Monday, February 12, quoted by Antara.
Menpan-RB revealed that the PANRB Ministry had discussed various chapters in the structure of the ASN Management RPP.
This discussion was held with the State Civil Service Agency (BKN), the State Administration Agency (LAN), and the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI) to prepare for the initiative permit application.
"We continue to accelerate the preparation of the ASN Management RPP because the target is that the RPP must be completed in April 2024, in parallel we also consider input/suggestions for detailed discussions with related experts and stakeholders," he said.
According to him, there are many substances that have been discussed before the issuance of the initiative permit.
These substances include the Development of Competency, Performance Management, Types and Positions, Planning for Needs, Procurement, Digitization, Change Management, Evaluation of ASN Management, and Basic Values of the ASN Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct.
"The substance regarding the Rights and Obligations of ASN and ASN Positions is almost complete. This week the discussion will be continued regarding other substances," he concluded.