Gibran Asks Anyone Who Wins In The 2024 Election Solo Security To Stay Priority

Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka stated that whoever wins and loses in the 2024 Presidential Election contestation, security remains a priority."I entrust security in Solo City, leave it on February 14 so that everything is safe and smooth," said Gibran while providing briefing to hundreds of Linmas officers in Surakarta City in order to secure the 2024 General Election in Solo, Central Java, as reported by Antara, Monday, February 12.He asked Linmas members when things were not good enough to keep coordinating with the Commander of Kodim 0735/Surakarta Lt. Col. Eko Hardianto and the Surakarta Police Chief Kombes Iwan Saktiadi."Our priority is now the security and comfort of the citizens. Whoever the choice is, whoever wins and loses, the security is the most priority in Solo City," he said.According to him, in a contest, winning or losing is a common thing. "But security is still number one. After that, we will continue to build Solo City so that it is not busy with the dynamics of the presidential candidate and so on," he said.He also asked Linmas members to keep the voting on D day wearing a green uniform, so that it is easily identified by residents.In addition, he asked Linmas officers to remain friendly and patient, and to continue to serve the residents well."Anyway, if there is anything in coordination with the Dandim, the Chief of Police, he will continue to serve with a patient smile," he said.
On the same occasion, Kombes Pol Iwan Saktiadi said Linmas officers became the spearhead of securing the 2024 General Election, especially at polling stations (TPS)."Linmas is a big force and will later be in each TPS. It is important to equip them with things that are their duties. Through this consolidation, it is hoped that Linmas will be able to work well and cooperate with us in the field," he said.